You must register your business with us if:
- your business stores, prepares, distributes or sells food and
- is a restaurant, café, hotel, shop, canteen, market stall, mobile catering van or food delivery van.
Manufacturers that handle products of animal origin may not to register. Instead, manufacturers might need to be approved by us or the Food Standards Agency. If you're a manufacturer and you're unsure if your business needs to be either approved or registered, please contact us 0161 253 5353.
Register online
It is a legal requirement to register your business with us at least 28 days before opening or taking ownership.
Registration is free of charge and your business will be added to our public register, which will show the:
- type of business
- address
- telephone number.
Once you have registered online, you will need to inform us of any changes in ownership or nature of the business.