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Proceeds of a temporary market of car boot sale are intended for charitable, sporting, social or political purposes. This does not include seller's proceeds from the sale of goods and the organiser's reasonable expenses.

You must always contact Bury Markets Management on 0161 253 6520 if you wish to organise an event for profit. Separate rules and charges apply when considering such applications, for which we will only issue a licence if it is in the interests of the Borough and does not conflict with an existing Market.

Summary of licensing conditions

Bury Council has the exclusive right to hold markets and fairs within the borough of Bury. We will give permission to hold a temporary market or car boot sale if the applicant agrees to our regulations and conditions.

  • Applications must be made on the official form at least 28 days before the date of the event. You may be fined up to £1000 if you do not give this much notice.
  • We reserve the right to refuse permission to hold a market, fair or car boot sale, if it is likely to have a detrimental effect on the legitimate markets or fairs held in the borough or if holding the market would break any laws.
  • We will restrict an individual or organisation and any specific location to holding a maximum of eight events per calendar year. Permission will not be granted for events to be held on consecutive weekends.
  • Sellers at car boot sales must only sell surplus household items. Sellers cannot sell new items or items bought to resell. Space must not be granted to commercial traders. (Bury Markets Management team regularly visit car boot sale sites and if there are commercial traders selling at the sale then future licences for that site or organisation will be refused).
  • Commercial traders wishing to sell goods that they have purchased for resale should be asked to contact Bury Markets Management.
  • The organisers shall not display notices and posters advertising the event on lamp posts, buildings etc, without permission of the owner. All advertising matter relating to a market, fair or car boot sale must include the statement "Consent granted by Bury Council".

Any individual or organisation that does not comply with the above conditions may not be allowed to hold future markets or car boot sales.


£35 for up to 30 sellers, then £3 for each additional seller.

Bury Markets Management will not be held responsible for adverse weather conditions and any event paid for will not be refunded or credited towards another date.