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Sometimes we pay you too much Housing Benefit. This can be money paid to you, your landlord or your Bury Housing Services rent account. Overpayments usually happen because we did not know something had changed which affected your benefit, such as:

  • an increase in your income - for example because you've started work or have been working more hours
  • moving address
  • someone else living with you has a change in their income

We can recover an overpayment by:

  • sending you an invoice
  • making deductions from your Housing Benefit if you are still entitled
  • asking your employer to make deductions from your wages - these are known as Direct Earnings Attachments
  • using Housing Benefit we owe you for another period
  • deducting money from your rent account if you are a Bury Housing Services tenant and your account is in credit
  • asking the Department for Work and Pensions to take money out a benefit that they pay you
  • register the debt with the County Court and ask them to enforce it - this is the same as having a court order against you and will affect your credit rating.

What to do next

Make a payment

If we have sent you an invoice you can make payments online:

We can also accept payments over the phone on 0161-253-7435 (Monday to Friday 8.45am to 5pm)

Disagree with an overpayment

If you disagree that you should be responsible for an overpayment, we can look at your claim again

Ask us to make a new payment arrangement/review a current arrangement

If you are having difficulties making a payment, contact us and we can discuss an arrangement.

When you contact us we may ask you to give us more information about your finances. You can use the form below to do this.

You can also use this form when asked to review a current arrangement.