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In focus - The Bury Directory

The Bury Directory, Bury's one stop information and advice point for advice, support, activities services and much more in and around the Bury area. It is an excellent resource for both professionals and the general public to find what they are looking for.

Use our online business directory and find local business listings, including addresses, websites, and reviews. We're the one stop source for information in Bury, whether you're looking for NHS services, a community group or wondering what's on in Bury.

If you're on the hunt for a specific service in Bury, check out our Information and Services page, where you can find services in a variety of industries including:

  • childcare and families
  • home, housing and money
  • adult care and disability services
  • staying safe and safeguarding in Bury
  • and more.

You can add your local business and groups to the Bury Directory here, and contact us for any questions, or if you need help accessing your service page visit The Bury Directory.

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